

当人们收到他人的感谢时,一种常见的英语回应是:“No Problem.” (“不麻烦。”)

快来上领导力英语第五课!“No Problem”背后的心理学


“No problem.” (“不麻烦。”)意味着如果情况不同则可能存在问题或麻烦。这削弱了求助者的感激之情。这也会传递一种微妙的心理信息,暗示对方你在社交中可能会不周到或太过懒散随意。

对于他人的感谢最礼貌和体贴的回应方式是说:“You are welcome.” (“不客气。”) 但除此之外,还有一个简单的心理技巧可以用来提高你在关系中的影响力。


“It’s my pleasure. You would have done the same for me.” (“这是我的荣幸。你也会尽力帮我。”)



“You’re welcome. We’re family. That’s what families do.” (“不客气。我们是家人。家人应该相互照应。”)

他是如何做的? 他首先接受了我的感谢,然后巧妙地联系家庭纽带,提醒我在需要时应为他做同样的事。父亲没有试图操纵我,他只是陈述事实并强调了我们的关系。并且因为他一贯宽厚,我总是愿意第一时间帮助他。



快来上领导力英语第五课!“No Problem”背后的心理学

The Psychology of Saying “No Problem”

In this series we will examine popular business English that Chinese professionals may be learning and using improperly with native English speakers.

When someone thanks another person, a common English response is, “No problem.”

Most English speakers don’t recognize the issues with saying “no problem” in this manner, especially at work. But there is a psychological technique we can use instead to increase our influence when speaking English.

The issue is that saying, “no problem” implies there might have been a problem if the situation was different. This negates the other person’s appreciation. It also sends a subtle psychological message that you might be inconsiderate or too laid-back and casual in social situations.

The most polite and considerate way to respond to a thank you, is by saying, “You are welcome.” But beyond this, there is a simple psychological tip you can use to increase your influence in the relationship. This is done by responding with something to the effect of:

“It’s my pleasure. You would have done the same for me.”

First, you are expressing your desire to be helpful and that you receive their appreciation. But second, you have planted a mental seed that they could and should do the same for you.

My father uses the same technique on me all the time. And I can tell you it works. When I thank him for doing me a favor, he will often respond with:

“You’re welcome. We’re family. That’s what families do.”

See what he did there? He first received my appreciation but then subtly reminded me of our family bond and that I should do the same for him if the need ever arose. By no means is my father intending to be manipulative. He is merely stating the truth and reinforcing the proper perspective of our relationship. And because he is always gracious, I don’t think twice when he asks for help.

My mother, on the other hand, hasn’t learned this. Unfortunately, she uses guilt to ensure I will always return the favor somehow. But that’s OK. I love her the same. But I do struggle at times with the right motivation when responding to her requests. This proves the power of choosing the right words for communicating in any language.



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