





他们侮辱自己的智慧我不反对,但是我们坚决反对美方以如此低劣的谎言来污名化、污蔑攻击中国。这种恶劣行径应该遭到谴责和追究。这也再次证明,美方一些人现在为了诋毁攻击中国,已经到了没有任何下限的地步。I have no problem with them insulting their own intelligence, but we firmly oppose them using this to tarnish China’s name. The US should be condemned and held accountable for such egregious acts. It once again proves that for some people in the US, nothing is not up for use in its fanatic bid to attack and smear China.

讲解:“没有任何下限”指的是美方一些人为了诋毁中国,“无所不用其极”,因此这里译成“nothing is not up for use”,后面接“in its fanatic bid to attack and smear China”,形容词fanatic表示“狂热的”,用在这里形象地描绘了美方一些人的嘴脸。“侮辱自己的智慧”在这里直译成“insult their own intelligence”。


中国有句俗话,“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。”任何决定和行为都需要付出代价。We have a saying in China which basically means “you reap what you sow”. All the decision and actions come with price tags.

英方究竟能否保持其独立自主地位,还是甘心沦为美国附庸、为美国火中取栗?Does it want to act in its own way of its own volition or is it OK with being a subordinate and a cat’s paw for the US?

讲解:“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”译文采用了“归化”的策略,译为了英文中类似的谚语you reap what you sow,你播种了什么,就会收获什么。

火中取栗是一个舶来的成语,出自十七世纪法国寓言诗人拉•封丹的寓言。猴子骗猫从火中取栗子,结果猫爪上的毛被火烧掉,栗子却全被猴子吃了。后比喻“为他人冒险出力,自己却一无所获”。为他人火中取栗的人就是cat’s paw,猫爪。





美国是惯于借维护国际法之名,行谋取一己私利之实。对国际法合则用、不合则弃是美方的一贯立场。The US always seeks selfish gains under the pretext of upholding international law. Its all-time principle is to apply international law in a selective and utilitarian way.

就拿美国退群毁约这件事来说,美方已经退出了十多个国际条约和国际组织,堪称退群的“世界冠军”。The US, having withdrawn from over 10 international treaties and organizations, is indeed the world’s number one quitter.

讲解:“退群”是十分形象的说法,但这里的“退群”最好不要直译为“leave a group chat”。退群的实际意思是指美国退出国际协议和组织,因此译出这一层意思即可。退群“世界冠军”,如果译为“champion of quitting”,也可以表达类似意思,但quitter指半途而废的人,往往含有贬义,这里翻译成“the world’s number one quitter”,充满了讽刺意味,更好地体现了原句中戏谑、批评的语气。Pretext指的是一个用于掩盖真实理由和意图的借口。“借……之名”可以译为:on/under the pretext of doing something。



“得道多助,失道寡助”。美方不惜损害美国广大用户和公司的权益,将一己私利凌驾于市场原则和国际规则之上,肆意进行政治操弄和政治打压,换来的只能是自身道德滑坡、国家形象受损和国际信任赤字,最终也将自食其果。As a Chinese saying goes, “a just cause rallies abundant support while an unjust one finds little.” The US side has put selfish interests above market principle and international rules to the detriment of US users and companies, and willfully resorted to political manipulation and oppression, which will only end up with its demoralization, eroded national image and trust deficit. All this will boomerang.




美方习惯于充当“人权教师爷”,对别国人权状况指手画脚。The US is feeling very comfortable with playing the role of “a human rights preacher”, condescendingly harping on others’ human rights conditions.


“指手画脚”暗指美国盛气凌人的态度,译文加上了副词“condescendingly”,即“居高临下”。Harp on指的是反复不断地提及(某个话题)直至令人生厌,表达出了美国反复指责他国人权状况、令人反感的意思。

例句:I don’t want to harp on this issue any longer, but I really need it to be resolved today.我也不想反复说这个问题,但我在今天之内必须把它解决了。





美国个别政客企图置TikTok、WeChat和华为等中国企业于死地,其根源就是患了“逢中必反症”,强行将意识形态标签打在中国企业身上。Some US politicians are working to crush such Chinese companies as TikTok, WeChat and Huawei because they are down with an anti-China syndrome and will strike at anything Chinese.

这些人打着“国家安全”的幌子“围猎”TikTok等中国企业,充斥着谎言和污蔑,其性质是欺行霸市、强取豪夺。That explains their frantic attempts to hunt down TikTok and other Chinese companies by pinning the ideological label on them under the pretext of “national security”. All the lies and smears are just disguise for their daylight bullying and robbery.

讲解:“逢中必反症”是一个比较新鲜的词,英文中没有直接对应的固定说法,译文也利用了“切分”的手段进行处理:把“逢中必反症”拆分为“反中国症”(anti-China syndrome)和“逢中必反”(strike at anything Chinese),表达省力的同时,也保证了意思清晰完整。

“患上某种疾病”可以用be down with/come down with来表达:

例句:I didn’t do much this weekend because I came down with a cold.这周末我没做什么事情,因为我感冒了。



蓬佩奥公开把“撒谎、欺骗、偷窃”视为美国的“荣耀”。他就像一部复读机,反复播放着“反华”磁带。所谓“债务陷阱”是美式“撒谎外交”的又一例证。Pompeo openly regards “lying, stealing, cheating” as the “glory” of the United States. He is like a broken record, playing the same “anti-China” tunes over and over again. The so-called “debt trap” is another example of America’s “lying diplomacy”.

讲解:复读机被翻译成“broken record”,即“坏了的唱片”,唱片坏了是会有重复播放的情况,因此用在这里非常生动地表示了“反反复复、多次重复”的意思,也和后面紧接着的“playing the same ‘anti-China’ tunes over and over again”相呼应。



我也建议这位大使,在刷存在感的同时,是不是事先要做好家庭作业,以免贻笑大方。A piece of advice for him: do some homework before crafting a publicity stunt, so as not to make a fool of himself.

讲解:“刷存在感”通常指的是做出某事、发表某种言论,好吸引他人注意力的行为,类似attention seeking。这里被译为”craft a publicity stunt”。Publicity stunt是市场营销中的一个常见概念,即利用各种噱头、花招,吸引眼球的活动,往往带有贬义。这里的craft也用得十分巧妙,作名词时,craft指手艺、工艺或手工艺品,作动词时,指的是精心制作,尤指技术含量较高的制作。用在此处,就点出了加方炮制上述指控的“煞费苦心”。“Make a fool of himself”即“出洋相,贻笑大方”。



这是一个好事,我也看到了有关的报道。他见义勇为的举动值得赞扬,我也要为他点个“大大的赞”。We have seen relevant reports. Such a brave act is commendable and I’d like to give him a big thumbs-up.

讲解:点赞最早指的是点击社交媒体平台的大拇指标志,表示”赞成或支持”,a sign of approval or support。可以翻译成:give…a like/thumbs-up。现在“点赞”一词的应用更为广泛了,可以用来表示各种语境下的“赞赏”,翻译时可以灵活处理。

例句:广大女性医务人员、疾控人员、科技人员、社区工作者、志愿者等不畏艰险、日夜奋战,坚守在疫情防控第一线。我们要为她们点赞。Female medical and epidemic control workers, researchers, community workers and volunteers, braving danger and working around the clock, have fought at the front line of the battle. They truly deserve our admiration.



中国人从来不惹事,也从来不怕事。The Chinese people will not provoke troubles, but we never flinch when trouble comes our way.

我们对有关国家公然违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,对属于中国内政的香港事务说三道四、指手画脚,表示强烈不满和坚决反对。 We deplore and firmly oppose relevant country’s finger-pointing over China’s Hong Kong affairs, which is a flagrant violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations.

讲解:”惹”有”挑衅”的意思,因此”惹事”可以是provoke/cause troubles。”没事不搞事,有事不怕事”,可以说成:Don’t ask for trouble, but when trouble really occurs, don’t be afraid of it. 在这里“从来不怕事”翻译成“we never flinch when trouble comes our way”,非常形象,当麻烦挡你路上了,也从不退缩,flinch是“退缩、畏惧”的意思。



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