


场景对话 活学活用

贴近生活 风趣且带有美式幽默和中国传统






stuff your face-使劲往嘴里塞吃的

too full to run-(吃)太饱不能跑步

workout-健身 运动


chilly-凉爽的 冷的

heat up-升温 变热

sweat pants-(美)宽松长运动裤

spring chickens-年轻人


catch a cold-感冒

stink of sweat-臭汗


L: Hey honey, let’s go for a run. 亲爱的,我们去跑步吧。

W: But we haven’t had breakfast yet. Let’s get some food and then we’ll go run. 但是我们还没吃早餐呢。我们吃点东西再去跑吧。

L: No, you’re going to stuff your face and then say you’re too full to run. We’ll eat after. 不!你会一下吃很多,然后就说吃太多不能跑步了。我们跑完再吃。

W: Fine. I’ll get changed.好吧,我去换衣服。

[both change into workout clothes两人都换上了运动服。]

L: What are you wearing?你穿的这是什么?

W: What do you mean? These are my workout clothes.什么意思?这是我的运动服。

L: Shorts? It’s like 15 degrees outside.你是说短裤?外面才15度。

W: It’s a little chilly but I’ll heat up very quickly once we start running. 有点凉但是我们一跑起来身体就很快热了。

L: It’s too cold. Put on your sweat pants.太冷了!把你的运动长裤穿起来。

W: Fine。好吧

L: Put on a jacket too.把外套也穿上。

W: OK. Just don’t complain when I stink of sweat later

L: [eye roll]好吧!等下不要嫌弃我的汗味儿(白眼儿)

[both step outside. L begins to run走到了门口,开始跑步]

W: What’re you doing?你在干嘛?

L: Umm… running?!?啊?跑步啊!

W: You didn’t stretch你没有拉伸?

L: Huh? I never stretch啊?我从不拉伸

W: We’re supposed to stretch before and after exercising.我们应该在运动之前和之后都做拉伸。

L: I’ve never stretched before or after。我之前和之后都没做过拉伸。

W: We’re not spring chickens anymore. Come on, it’ll only take a couple of minutes.我们都不是小青年啦,只要花几分钟而已。

L: Fine 好吧

[both stretch and go for their run一起做拉伸开始跑步]

[after the run…跑完步了。。。。。。]

L: Honey, you’re drenched in sweat! Get inside before you catch a cold.亲爱的,你全身都湿透了!快进屋别感冒了。

W: Yea, we just went for a run and I’m wearing sweat pants.对啊!我们刚跑步回来,而且我还穿着长裤(宽松运动裤)

L: Whatever. Just get inside. 别废话了,赶紧进来!

[inside the house进到房间]

W: Honey, you didn’t stretch again!亲爱的,你又没有拉伸!

L: I feel fine. 我觉得还好!

W: No honey, you have to stretch anyway. 不,亲爱的,你必须要拉伸。

L: Fine.好吧。

[L stretches for 15 secondsL只拉伸了15秒]

[5 hours later…5小时以后]

W: Honey, are you coming downstairs? What’s taking so long.亲爱的,你不下楼来吗?干嘛那么久?

L: Give me a minute. My leg hurts.我需要点时间,我的腿受伤了。

W: Really? Mine feel fine.真的吗?我的腿还好。

L: It’s your fault, you made me stretch.都是你的错,你让我拉伸的!

W: [eye roll]白眼儿



上一篇 2023年3月5日 下午2:49
下一篇 2023年3月5日 下午2:50


